Notes on a River
The hot sun-baked days of midsummer render much of the Catskills’ otherwise bountiful fisheries off limits to the conscientious troutist. Whole stretches of river that were teaming with fish in the cold and high water of spring will be vacant; the trout having fled to deeper, cooler sanctuaries. And where the trout are found, an occasional dip of the thermometer is necessary to ensure sufficiently oxygenated water and a viable catch and release.
Summer is a season for being selective. It’s been a good spring; take the afternoon off. Snooze in a hammock, and return in the morning to run nymphs through the riffles, or float spinners at dusk under the fog that lingers over the persistently cool tail waters below the reservoirs. Or give the trout a break altogether and hit the warm water for bass and carp.
There are a variety of flies that might perk a trout’s interest in summer but the fish by this point are likely to have made the mistake at some point in the season of eating one with a hook. Having developed a scrutinous eye, these ‘educated’ fish can be tricky to fool. And if they are keyed into a plentiful hatch of one of the smaller bugs the imitation may have a hard time competing for attention in a crowded field. Even if they appear to be dining on Olives it can be worth drifting a Slate Drake past them in case the larger meal entices.
Written by T. Polecat Dubbins