Leon Chandler

Leon Chandler began his career at the Cortland Line Company in 1941, at the age of nineteen.  Over the next 50 years, the Cortland Line Company with his guidance, made a significant contribution to the growth of fly fishing through the development of the modern fly line.  Chandler was a concerned educator who promoted care for the natural resource on which the sport depends.  His patience and concern in teaching are legendary.  During the 1960’s and 70’s, the U.S. Commerce and State Departments sponsored his angling demonstrations at the world trade fairs in Finland, Poland, Hungary, and Germany.  During visits to Japan between 1972 and 1993, he drew crowds of more than 100,000 at his demonstrations.  He is credited with popularizing the sport in that country.  Chandler joined the national board of directors of Trout Unlimited in 1969, was chosen as its president in 1979-80, and ultimately served as a board member for 22 years.  He is a true ambassador of fly fishing.